Saturday, January 5, 2019

This blog seems somewhat organized...can I use it?

Reviewing my too many blogs at Blogger, this particular blog has photos of the Prayer Shawls I made two years ago as Christmas gifts. I so remember making and gifting them. I gave the more colorful ones to my families, gave the one that is all gray to my mother. My mother died that very next summer, I had tried to take her the shawl and a kaftan that I tore for her to wear during her time in Hospice House. I had taken her beloved dog, Sheila, to her, and mother was too annoyed to have anything to do with her dog. Understandable as she was not opening her eyes to see, her body in shutdown and she had just been transferred to Hospice House.

 She had preferred to have her death be at her home, however, my husband, who was lifting her, realized she would not cooperate with his efforts, and both of us were trying to get her to use toilet Hospice had brought for her to use, as her bathroom was many steps away from her bedside. Fruitless were our efforts. She was calling us Father and Mother by then, the Fentanyl was doing it's work on her. I thought as she saw us both as her own Father and Mother, she had reverted to her child years, and was no longer able to recognize us. With those incidents piling up, I did encourage Hospice Nurse and Social Worker to encourage her to Hospice House as we could no longer take appropriate care of her.

 The Prayer Shawl I had made for her, I kept, I keep it still, as it was among the last gifts I gave her. The photos of the prayer shawls at this blog are powerful triggers to remind me of what I did create and my mother leaving me in her passing. I cherish the prayer shawl I made for her, only regret is that I did not give her a more colorful one as I had made several, and they go under appreciated to this day. My mother would have cherished the prayer shawl I made for her, no matter what yarn colors I used in crocheting it. I miss my mother intensely for so so many reasons.

 As I was wandering through my many blogs, it seems to me that much history is written already, and I wanted to pick up with two new blogs, my diabetes 2 diagnosis, and journal my thoughts. I plan to work the diabetes blog, not so much the journal blog as this blog, even though I meant it to hold my crafting, it really doesn't serve well as crafting blog, there are so many of those out there on internet. I think I may use this particular blog as part of my history.


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