Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Internet technology moved on without me, good for the technology!

Reviewing this blog, it is apparent that it has gone through stages as technology for online writing has shifted over the years.   I acknowledge that I am assuredly feeling left behind, and not sure I would have the skills to catch up, let alone keep even with technological advances.  I'm shifting down in my life span to what for me is a slower, more quiet way in my life and in my online activities.  Ahhh, for those early days when I was younger and felt I was on cutting edges of technology - those days came and went and kudos to all the young people who have left me and other's like me in the dust.  Kudos to the older people who have kept pace.

This blog then will be more like a place where I might do a show and tell of some of those creative things I might do that keep me busy, keep me going.  Kudos to all those tutorials out there that teach how to's;  kudos to the advances I've witnessed made in internet technology over the years since the early 1990s.   I'm not going to even attempt to keep up, just plod along at my own speed.  Does anyone even know where all this internet content is going to go after we are no longer of this world?

If I have any followers, likely they will be at the slow pace to which I have come, and if I don't have followers, that's fine too, kind of an online journal for me.  I won't be working to figure out how to drive people to my blog, how to develop content, and all those goodies that teach people how to better use today's internet services.   The older material on this blog, on any of my blogs is dated, outdated, out of internet trends, and for several years, I just didn't have the oomph to rework them to be more acceptable.  If you find a thing or two on this blog of interest to you, great.  If not, great too, it really is ....   let it serve as a bit of internet history in far things have come in the online world over the years.

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